Hinata ♡●  ○  ○


(๑´• ₃ •̀๑)

i'm stuck again…


Like literally??

ahaha... ヾ(;´∀`) ノ

i'm afraid so!

How do you always manage to... Nvm.

I'm guessing that if you're texting me you need help.

Where are you??

it’s no fun if i just tell you! you were complaining about being bored earlier, right? why don’t i make it a guessing game?

ah… i didn’t get stuck on purpose, though.

that was just a stroke of luck!

I wasn't complaining

That's just

You know how it is.

Stroke of luck?? Wait, so you wanted to get stuck?

i didn't say if it was good luck or bad luck, hinata-kun!

i still haven't decided on that yet.

(and yes, i know how it is. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ )

Alright, fine. Let me guess then.

Can I at least have a hint? You could be literally anywhere, you kind of get stuck in a lot of places, Komaeda

aww, you know me so well! i do get stuck in a lot of places, don’t i?

as for a hint…

i guess you could say i’m buzzing with excitement for you to find me!

yeah. I guess I do know you pretty well, don't I?

i mean since we're stuck on Jabberwock. I guess we all know each other pretty well

Electric Avenue? What did you need from there?

You can just ask for stuff when you need it, you know. I know you're... Bad with electronics.

And machinery...

And vehicles…

i am not!! i’m great with electronics!

they’re just not great with me.

...Right. My mistake

You didn't answer my question

ah! right. yes, i am in electric avenue.

What are you all the way over there for?

Did Souda ask you to get him something again?

i wanted to scour for video games!

( ´ ▿ ` )

You managed to get stuck while... Scouring for games?

Do I even want to ask how you managed that?

a big tower of old crt tvs fell over… i’m pinned under a few of them, ahaha.


Are you okay?

Are you hurt?

Should I grab Tsumiki? I'll be there as soon as I can just hang on

oh hinata-kun, you worry too much! i promise that it doesn’t hurt very badly.

You make it really hard not to constantly worry about you.

When stuff like this is a regular occurrence for you.

I mean. I worry about everyone on the Island, but especially you, when... Stuff like this always happens to you, Komaeda


i don’t do it on purpose!

i’ve lived my entire life this way. you don’t have to worry!

And I've lived pretty much my entire life worrying too much about everything, too, so I guess we're even...

But you didn't answer my question again- should I grab Tsumiki?

How hurt are you?

you don’t have to! just a couple bruises, i’m sure.

I... Sincerely doubt that.

You're stuck underneath TVs and you need my help.

Anyways, I'm already on my way. I will be there as soon as I can, OK?

i’ll be here!

in the meantime, would you like another quiz for the walk over? i found an interesting one!

Oh, another quiz?

mhm! i took it, too!

I mean I'm in a hurry, but sure, I guess I'm pretty good at multitasking now.

no rush! like i said, i’m not hurt.

http://kinktest.ff/ here!

Oh, I don't think I've seen this one before.

Where did you find it?

on some old forum!

Oh, a forum? I see. Will I understand the reference? You know how I am with pop culture

i think so!

Okay, if you say so. Let me take a look at this then


Komaeda, what kind of quiz is this..?

a kink test, clearly.

Oh. I see. Umm okay

I mean. I... Got that. I'm not stupid. But why are you...

Whatever. I'll answer these hypothetically. Is that good enough?

hypothetically! that’s how i answered them too, of course.

Of course.

here are my results!

██████████ 100%
█████████▒ 91%
█████████▒ 90%
████████▒▒ 84%
████████▒▒ 82%
Brat tamer
████████▒▒ 81%
███████▒▒▒ 78%
███████▒▒▒ 78%
███████▒▒▒ 70%
██████▒▒▒▒ 66%
█████▒▒▒▒▒ 57%
█████▒▒▒▒▒ 55%
█████▒▒▒▒▒ 54%
█████▒▒▒▒▒ 53%
█████▒▒▒▒▒ 50%
████▒▒▒▒▒▒ 45%
████▒▒▒▒▒▒ 40%
Rope bunny
██▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 21%


These questions are kinda... Difficult to answer. I'm pretty divided on most of them. Does that matter?

don’t think too hard about it! it’s all hypothetical, right?

Oh, yeah. Of course. Hypothetical.

Okay... I guess I can send it since it's hypothetical and just between us

I'm going to pretend I never sent this and you're going to pretend you never saw it

██████████ 100%
Rope bunny
██████████ 100%
██████████ 100%
██████████ 100%
██████████ 100%
██████████ 100%
██████████ 100%
█████████▒ 96%
█████████▒ 94%
█████████▒ 93%
████████▒▒ 86%
Brat tamer
████████▒▒ 85%
████████▒▒ 84%
████████▒▒ 83%
█████▒▒▒▒▒ 57%
████▒▒▒▒▒▒ 44%
███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 37%
█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 16%

wow, hinata-kun! you’re kinkier than i expected!

This is hypothetical!


hypothetically, it seems like you’re slightly more submissive than dominant, while i’m slightly more dominant than submissive. how funny is that!

Hypothetically we also seem to have a lot of the same um

we do, don’t we?

in theory.

I mean, I guess it depends on the day. This is how I'm feeling right now, it's... Kind of difficult to generalize, for me.

But I don't think any of these are too far off

Like in theory, of course. If we were to take this seriously, which we definitely shouldn't

of course not! hinata-kun is too shy to experiment with his sexuality, after all!

Hey who said anything about that?

I'm not shy!

I just... Haven't had a lot of opportunities. We're stuck on Jabberwock and there's only so many of us

mm… that’s true. is there anyone you would try that stuff with?

ah, but i suppose if things go sour, it could get awkward…

Uh... Is this still hypothetical?

of course.

Right. Well, then I guess I can think of at least one person?

Or two

What about you?

hmm… i think just one!

I see

Do you... often think about things like this?

ahaha… in theory, i might think about it all the time.

and you?

Well... Not hypothetically, all I do is think. All the time, about everything. This kind of thing might be included in that pretty often

The last part is hypothetically of course. Um. But I do think a lot, that isn't

i know you do… you think too much, really. but i don’t think it’s bad to think about that sort of thing!

it’s only natural, right?

Believe me

I would shut it off if I could

But I guess you're right. It's not bad to... Contemplate. Guess it doesn't really hurt anyone to do so

Sometimes I guess I just wish

That I didn't have to think for myself all the time

Haha. that sounded crazy, didn't it.

Maybe I actually need to think more, maybe my brain shuts off around you because I only ever understand what you really mean maybe half the time anyways

Er... That sounded kind of rude. I don't think you'll take it that way, but Koizumi said I really need to work on my texting etiquette. Whatever that means. She says I sound mad all the time.

But I feel like you know me better than that by now, Komaeda... Right? If you think my texting needs work too, maybe I'll seriously have to consider it

hinata-kun… the only part of your texting that needs work is how much you babble. but i think it’s nice, so don’t worry about it!

i think that someone doing your thinking for you could do you some good.

(and i don’t think you sound mad. you just sound a little cranky, but you always sound a little cranky. (≧◡≦) )

Oh... Yeah, I guess you're right. I got carried away again. Sorry

Do you really think that? I thought it sounded kind of weird when I said it

I mean, who really wants that, right? Hypothetical test results aside.

ahaha! i don’t mind you getting carried away.

and yes, i do really think that. it wouldn’t be the first time you did it, after all!

If you're implying what I think you're implying, I feel like you casually saying that should bother me

But. Whatever, I guess you're not wrong

Anyways, I'm almost there. I'll see you soon