i am in such deep agony, but i am not in as much pain as you are. i am overreacting to a procedure that is a standard diagnostic procedure and it is nobody's fault but mine, beccause i was the one who could not understand what was explained to me. i could read by the time i was two, and yet i could not follow simple instructions when i was three? simple instructions of what they had to do? it was a necessary and common diagnostic procedure and i am blowing it out of proportion. there are people in this world who do not have bodies, or perhaps their food has been poisoned with cyanide by their relatives. there are people in this worl dwho cannot survive on their own because of their tendencies to crumple in on themselves, and that just is not their fault, but they may suffer so badly anyway. who is to blame? who can be told about their own life? who can be told to trust? who is their own memory, waking? waking> how can we dain to know anything. how can we learn to trust. there are people in this world who cannot bear the weight of their own starvation, even when there is maybe a food in fron tof them to eat. it seems like nonsense, but they suffer. the world is so full of despair and tragedy, like children who are being trafficked by adults, like adults who are being trafficked by other adults, like other adults who are being trafficked by themselves, because as children they were trafficked by adults. the cycle continues, and it does not stop continuing. we are all hurting. i am hurting. but not badly. not badly. not badly. not badly. not badly. not badly. not badly. not badly. not badly. not badly. not badly. not badly. not baldyl. not baldy. not badly. not badly. not baody. not badly. not baadly. not badly. not baldy. not badly. not badly. not badly. not badly. not badly.

please try to believe me :p